Monday, April 4, 2011

Residency Status for IUPUI ( Indiana state university) HELP!!?

Residency Status for IUPUI ( Indiana state university) HELP!!?
Ok, so I started attending IUPUI this fall in August of 2007, which is in Indianapolis Indiana. I took about apretty big loan to attend here. I am a transfer student as well from Florida. I really need to get residency this upcoming fall of 2008. In the state of Indiana to get a state run school residency status you must do the following two things: Live in the state of Indiana for the past 12 months and prove your main purpose of living in Indiana is not for education. So the first one I have, because I moved up here in August before classes begun, I live in the campus aparments. Now it is the other part that is very tricky and I cannot get a solid repsonse whne I have asked the school exactly how do I prove or what counts for makeing the requirement for proving education is not the main purpose of comign to Indiana. My main purpose was for personl reasons, like leaving a very abusive relationship and starting fresh at a new school. Some states ask for you to live there 12 months.
Financial Aid - 3 Answers

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Did you get a job when you got there? Then list "employment" as your reason for relocation. If not, you could say you were laid off in Florida and looking fo rwork in Indiana, or that you came to be closer to family. And good for you to start out fresh!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Good luck....

When I changed my residency status for graduate school, I didn't have to provide any documentation that I was there for education. As a matter of fact, we didn't move to our current state for me to get an education, it was for my partner's job and I decided to go to graduate school as well. I had to provide a copy of my driver's license, car registration, voter registration etc. All of those things that prove you live somewhere. Talk to your financial aid or registrar's office. Make an appointment and go in and meet with them. Ask what you need to do, usually there is a form to fill out. Ask if there is any additional information you need to give them in order to have your request approved. Once you have all the forms filled out and any documentation necessary, make another appointment with them to have them look at your forms etc. That way you can make sure that you have everything filled out correctly. You may go into the fall semester of next year as an out of state student while they are still making adjustments. That's what happened to me and I ended up getting the additional tuition refunded. Good Luck.

Schools usually don't allow you to count your "time" in that state while you are a college student. So even if you'd been there 12 months or more, they won't switch your residency. A friend of mine made the assumption she would be switched after a year in her masters degree, and that assumption cost her a ton in extra student loans. If it were me, (and remember I'm not anyone particularly important) I would question the fact that you were in "student" housing, would want to see proof you were fleeting for your life and had to leave the state, maybe restraining orders from the ex or police reports or some proof you had to be sent out of state. Also your age has a lot do do with state residency as well. If you are under 21 and not married some schools make it impossible. Good luck.

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