Sunday, March 20, 2011

I want to work for the FBI and I'm a Junior in High School.. Right now what should I be doing?

I want to work for the FBI and I'm a Junior in High School.. Right now what should I be doing?
I have 3 questions 1. What should I be doing to get going on the FBI career path ( I want to be a " Special " field agent. 2. What should I study or do in order to look better on the application? 3. What are some requirements? I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. and I'm 17 also I am a male so what should I be doing? I really want to take a job in the FBI.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers

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Why don't you go to the FBI's website at and find the section for careers or employment because they probably will have some information there to answer your questions and if not, try sending them a short email at their Contact Us icon or a letter to explain what it is that you are looking for and why you want to know. You might also look in the front of your local phone book in the Government section under Federal Government and see if you can find a phone number for their local field office in your area to get some information.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Questions concerning Sueing the state of indiana.?

Questions concerning Sueing the state of indiana.?
Im 18 and im sueing the state of indiana. Between ages14-16 i was in indiana girls school, in indianapolis. My stay there was terrible, i was physically,sexually, and mentally abused. I was In Lock seculison. 24 7 for 7 months. I have proof of everything im saying. My roomate was a sexual predadtor. Tried to rape me . So question is if im suing them how much do you think i could win? I would like them to pay for all my past present and future counseling. Girls school insurance company has contacted me through mail and told me they were sending me a check through mail. Are they contacting me cuz they believe we have a good case ?
Law & Ethics - 5 Answers

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Girls school insurance company probably wants to pay you off, sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened. You or your attorney have to decide how much money is enough. Don't let the school's insurance determine that.

If they girl's school is sending you a check and you cash it your are settling the case so be sure it's an amount you are happy with before you cash it or sent it back. Of course they think you have a case or theyw ouldn't be sending you money. Talk to a lawyer, they can help you more.

Where were your parents throughout this? Are they behind you in this case? There are too many questions in this to give you an answer. Best of luck.

Do not cash that check, get with a lawyer and he will be able to help you get the most possible even if you have to go in front of a jury. THey are sending you a check for the lowest amount they think is fair. Do not take this or it is settled.

DON'T CASH THE CHECK AND DON'tc SIGN ANY PAPERS till you see a lawyer they will try to settle this out of court cuz they want you to be quiet . yes they know you got a good case and dont want the pudlic to know of this . this is not a insurence type case it is not like you just broke a leg . the mental and phisical anguish is irreversable not to mension your inberrassment you may need say at least 1 mill. caus you need cash .and lawyer all court cost .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

im thinking of going to indiana university in indianapolis....?

im thinking of going to indiana university in indianapolis....?
i live in northern VA, near washing d.c. whats it like in indianapolis? the people? the weather? the town? the nightlife? the girls? is it up beat and fun? oh and the school, how's that too? is it mostly a commuter school? sorry, i meant washington... not washing
Indianapolis - 1 Answers

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Indianapolis is mostly a nice quiet city. The downtown (which is very close to IUPUI) has a lot going on. Theater, museums, sports events (we have the Pacers and the Colts,. plus a minor league baseball team, all downtown). Another place where college students go for night life is Broad Ripple, on the east side on Indianapolis. There are 3 other small colleges in town: Butler Univ, Marian Univ, and University of Indianapolis, plus a two year community college, Ivytech. Indianapolis doesn't have a public transit service as good as the D.C. area has. The weather is not that different than D.C. Probably milder: not as hot and sticky in the summer, and not much cold weather or snow in the winter. I think you'll find that college students here are pretty nice and friendly. IUPUI is a real up and coming college. Lots of nice new buildings, lots of really good programs. However, the campus lacks the "identity" and beauty of a place like IU-Bloomington. Not much landscaping or many trees. It has been a commuter school, but now they're building more student housing, so it's gradually changing, but again, it's never going to have a distinctive campus atmosphere. Also, IUPUI has become a lot more competitive in admissions. It used to have the reputation as being kind of a last resort university, but that's definitely not true anymore. You should know that the campus includes the IU medical school, dental school, and law school, so there are lots of adults around. Should be a lot of nice girls, because they have a very large nursing program, other allied health programs, and a large education program. The basketball team, the Jaguars, have been quite successful in recent years.

Monday, March 14, 2011

recommend a grad school in Indiana?

recommend a grad school in Indiana?
I had a double major degree in Telecommunications (video production) and English (Creative Writing) My GPA was like 3.1 My average grades in Creative Writing were like C+. TCOM grades were like B+. I went to Ball State but I think that if a school like Ball State who takes in people with low GPAs must have really low quality graduate school programs. I'm thinking of maybe going into grad school for Urban Planning. Much to my ultimate horror Ball State is the only university in Indiana with such a program. My parents are not very supportive of the idea of grad school at all due to expenses so they will probably only make the exception for a school near Indianapolis like IUPUI or something like that. I have extremely sucky social skills which prevent me from getting normal jobs. I am mostly wanting to do grad school for more internship experience. Recommend me any school and/or program. Perhaps a program where an average grade student with fine arts experience would be interested in. Seeing that pursuing careers in video making and writing are all for nought. Nickname: I graduated with a BA in Creative Writing and Telecommunications. I have no interest in pursuing grad degrees in these areas since I've come to learn (only after graduating) that no one succeeds in getting careers in these areas (no one like me anyway). I'm looking for programs where I am guaranteed a good job. Urban Planning sounded like one that catered to my interests and seems good paying but I am worried as to whether or not I am skilled enough to survive this program. Though for quite a while I have been considering IU Bloomington's Tcom grad program (because Ball State only has one tcom program that doesnt cater to my interests or is helpful in finding a job).
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers

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Google your major and then find out which programs nationally or in the midwest offer your discipline. You may find then that certain ones also fund their graduate students. That's how I went to grad school.

If, as you have already found, Ball State is the only grad school in Indiana that offers Urban Planning, then that doesn't give you any choices. If you choose to change your grad major, then Indiana University and Purdue University might have appropriate programs. University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN, is a prestigious school and should have programs in Urban Planning and other related majors, but I am not certain you would be accepted with your grades and lack of work experience. Edit: Wish I could help more but I know little about Midwestern colleges or Urban Planning grad programs. However, it seems to me that most state schools ought to have urban planning given its importance to the civil services. Check out schools in neighboring states like Illinois and Ohio to see if they offer the program. Good luck.

So far I like [My Nickname I don't know!!!]'s answer best regarding the information about schools. But I would recommend seeing a psychiatrist regarding your social skills. It is very common for anxiety issues or disorders to make it difficult to be yourself or fumble around during social interactions or situations. Agoraphobia would be the extreme end of the spectrum. There are some mild medications available that could ease your anxiety if that is the case. You could always try a medication such as Klonopin as needed before a social situation occurs. If you notice that your social skills improve then that is the best way to confirm the diagnosis. Most likely after about 6 months when you have been able to have successful social interaction, thus gaining more confidence the anxiety disorder will resolve itself to the point medication will no longer be needed. It can also be therapeutic to speak to a therapist while you are working to resolve this. I would recommend doing that regardless if medication is prescribed. The fact that it is effecting a major part of your life more then justifies seeking a professional advice. The drawback with Klonopin is that the dependency rate is high. It works in a similar way alcohol does in the brain but without any intoxication or feeling loopy side effects. So you wouldn't want to take it unless absolutely necessary and also for the shortest about of time possible. Save it for situations which require heavy social interactions. Anti-depressants work to permanently change the chemical balance in your brain and have much and unsavory greater side effects. Of course anything your medical professional prescribes overrules anything I have to say. But it is always OK to insist that your health professional give you more then one option and go over the side effect of each one. If they can't think of more then one option then you need to find another mental health professional. Never allow your primary care physician to prescribe brain altering medication such as anti-depressants. Too often then not primary care doctors without enough education in the area will try to resolve it themselves, it is arrogant and not safe. Many HMO's give their doctors kudos and sometimes even bonuses for not giving patients specialist referrals simply because it saves the HMO money. You insurance card should have right on it whether you have a HMO or PPO insurance coverage. They should be understanding if you tell them you would be more comfortable having a psychiatrist evaluate you before you are going to commit to any medications that alter your brains chemistry. If you have a PPO just find a psychiatrist on your health insurance plan and go see them. If you do not have medical insurance please add to your post including what State and City you live in. So I may edit mine and give you alternative resources for receiving care.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Did Mark Booher, one of the Indiana State Prison escapees, go to Southport High School in...?

Did Mark Booher, one of the Indiana State Prison escapees, go to Southport High School in...?
...Indianapolis? I went to High School with him I think but the papers say he was from New Castle.
Other - Education - 1 Answers

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I graduated from New Castle Chrysler High School in 1981 with him and knew him all the way throughout school. He played sports and had a lot of friends. His picture is in all my yearbooks.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How long would a package that is being sent from Hong Kong take to get to Indianapolis, Indiana by USPS?

How long would a package that is being sent from Hong Kong take to get to Indianapolis, Indiana by USPS?
I ordered a cell phone from ebay and paypal gave me a tracking number for USPS and it says it just left hong kong. i would like to recive it before friday so i can add the numbers of my friends before school ends. i need to see if that is possible. I ordered a cell phone from ebay and paypal gave me a tracking number for USPS and it says it just left hong kong. i would like to recive it before friday so i can add the numbers of my friends before school ends. i need to see if that is possible.
Packing & Preparation - 2 Answers

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Itll take about 10-14 days :)

USPS does not operate in Hong Kong. You may use the USPS Track & Confirm application to track the package, but it started out from China Post, not USPS. The package will first have to clear Customs in San Francisco before being handed over to USPS for delivery. It is going to depend on how long it takes for the package to clear customs as to whether or not it will be delivered by Friday. In my experience, unless it was sent by EMS service, it is unlikely that you will get it by then.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Where could I find a person's obituary in Indianapolis, Indiana?

Where could I find a person's obituary in Indianapolis, Indiana?
The person I am looking for is one of my father's old girlfriends from school. He was wondering if she really passed on. He said he tried to ask the Star News and other local papers but they said that they don't go back that far due to a crime someone committed and there is a law to prohibit those kinda searches. My father would like to know because I guess he still has feelings for her and just now found out about it. She was supposed to of passed on in 1994/95. Thank you for your input and help.
Indianapolis - 1 Answers

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try here: or go to the dept of health to see if they have records...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

what are some good culinary colleges in indiana?

what are some good culinary colleges in indiana?
i live in indianapolis and i am having trouble finding culinary school here. i need help. the school i'm really interested is 50k and i think i can find something cheaper than that but it's one of the best schools in indiana. so can you give any info on some culinary schools?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers

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Hi, Your solution is here -

Friday, March 4, 2011

best apartments in Indianapolis,Indiana?

best apartments in Indianapolis,Indiana?
hi i will be moving to indy by june and will be attending iupui and also my roommate will be attending a school in 91 st with meridian need a charming place with great amenities , safety yet affordable i dont want to get stuck in a bad neighborhood as i have an infant with me, please any info will help
Indianapolis - 5 Answers

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go to and sign up with that site. you will be able to chose the number of bedrooms/bathrooms, rent price, etc...then if you do move into one of the apartments you picked from that site, they will send you a $100.00 gift card that you can use anywhere, after you have been at the location for 3 months. You can also go to and do a search on the apartment complex you find at, to see what the people who are actually living there (or who have lived there) say about the place. If we had known about the ratings website, we wouldn't be at the place we are know as the website for this complex makes it look better then it actually is!

There are several very nice complexes at Keystone - which is quite close to 91st/Meridian. Remember the bus system in Indy (Called IndyGo) absolutely SUCKS, so a car is essential. If you really can't swing a car, there are some decent places along 86th st. between Meridian and College. Make sure you orient yourself before you go on a site like because Indianapolis is a large city, and it would be easy to pick a place that is 30 miles away, but still in the city limits. 91st/Meridian is at the northernmost edge of the city. You might also want to check listings in Carmel.

I think Oxford Gables offer the most unique, affordable and liveable apartments in Indianapolis. Welcome to Indy!

don't do anything by AMLI!!! they sucked.

Down along the Canal there are few places to move into that are new n fresh and close to town and river, RCA dome, etc etc etc

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What are common trends among teens in indiana? (i'm doing a school paper so thanks sooo much if u answer!! =])?

What are common trends among teens in indiana? (i'm doing a school paper so thanks sooo much if u answer!! =])?
like clothing/makeup/shoes wise etc (not the economy lol) and indianapolis to be specific but in general works too. lol thanks this is for a paper and i really appreciate it
Indianapolis - 4 Answers

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Well we are kind of like most general american teens, we aren't completely out of the norm or anything. Portions here in southern Indiana have tones of scene kids. Right now that seems to be the in kind of thing, the ones here that try to go for the "redneck" look here get laughed at. I try not to because I would like to keep my character up but sometimes it is just so effing hard. It is hard to take someone serious in cowboy boots, putting on a fake accent, and a belt buckle. Also being "gangsta" is coming in a little bit. For the norm though, we keep it department store style. We keep it to the American Eagle, Rue 21, Aéro (generally middle school age though), a lot of girls here in this area like Charlotte Russe, Wet Seal, etc. Like I said though general American fashion though. I don't know if it is because I'm a senior in high school, but I think that we are dressing more mature than we really ever have before. Shoes converse are always big, some people do wear boots into a fashionable manner (risky and rare), boat shoes are really popular right now, girls love flats, and general tennis shoes/sneakers. Crocs and beaver creeks are probably the most hated shoes and no one thinks they are cute; however some people continue the wearing of beaver creeks because they are "comfie."

I live right outside of indianapolis, in the part of indiana that the "rich kids" live. trends at my school right now: boys: hollister, american eagle, aeropostale, random sweatshirts. tennis shoes only. messy, long hair. girls: hollister, american eagle, delias, aeropostale. straightened hair. uggs, birkenstocks, flipflops, flats, and converse are the only shoes. flowery dresses are the new thing for spring. no one goes extreme with the makeup. its mostly black eyeliner and mascara, with some foundation or coverup. BASICALLY; a typical outfit is: hollister shirt, ripped jeans, and flipflops. (:

Well, the girls here are pretty trashy and mostly follow what eachother are doing. Makeup: Well, most of them are super-tan from tanning beds. Heavy, caked on, all around eyeliner. Clothing: Any form of jeans. Hollister or Abercrombie tees and polos. (Exciting, right?) Hoodies of the boring variety. Shoes: Muffins Flipflops Uggs Nike gym shoes I live there I hope I helped you I am not lying, all the girls here look exactly the same. I hope to move out of this pit soon. (:

I live in Carmel, which is the wealthiest city in Indiana. The girls wear board shorts and jeans and stuff, and those shoes that are closed in the front and open in the back or flip flops. Hollister is kind of reserved for the trashy people now. Guys wear anything that has to do with college sports, along with some abstract shirts. Or thats what i wear...

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